Wednesday 26 February 2014

How to Spot a Hipster

A while back I was trying to explain to my mum what a hipster was. Definitions are too mainstream. Hipsters can’t be defined because then they would fit into a category, and thus be too mainstream. It got me thinking of a few distinctive traits that may help you distinguish Hipsters from the rest, should you ever need to explain the term to your mum. I asked my willing friend Hayley T to assist.


For guys we’re talking “glam hobo” – think plaid shirts, denim jorts/skinny jeans rolled up, vests, facial hair - in essence he will look like the fifth member of Mumford & Sons or like he could be driving a steam train.

For the ladies, imagine Alexa Chung and Ashley Olsen on crack and you’re on the right path. Floral dresses, non-prescription glasses, shaved side of head, flower crowns, most hats, capes, basically the kind of shit you’d find in Lana Del Rays laundry basket.


Reading, Instagram, riding one of their numerous fixed gear bikes, drinking cold drip coffee, partaking in peaceful protests, playing vinyl of obscure indie bands and drinking artisan beer/homebrew.

Where You Can Find Them

Rolling their own cigarettes outside some hole in the wall bar or coffee shop, where the probably work, Fremantle or in an underground art studio somewhere.

Do not fear the Hipster, they are harmless and without them the world would be a less beautiful place!

Please note, no animals were harmed in the making of the beard. A broom may have been massacred though....

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