I have a fivehead. That’s not a typo. Demonstrated above, a fivehead is when you have a forehead so big you can fit five fingers on it. Both my parents have big foreheads, so I didn’t even stand a chance. A high school boyfriend once told me I had a forehead “like a skateboard ramp”. True story. Soul=Destroyed.
My nose isn’t straight. I have cellulite. I’m only 5”2 tall.
“I’d love just an extra inch” – me.
“So would I” – every guy. Ever.
It’s all too easy to focus on your perceived “flaws” every time you look in the mirror, even to the point where it consumes you and it’s all you see when you look in the mirror, but there comes a point where trying to be “perfect” is a complete waste of time. That’s because there is no such thing as perfect. There, I said it.
Think about it…..Even some of the world’s most beautiful women have characteristics that some would perceive as flaws. Kate Hudson has pixie ears, supermodel Karolina Kurkova doesn’t have a bellybutton, Giselle Bundchen was told early in her career she would never get work unless she got a nose job, model Jess Hart has a gap in her teeth, people say Miranda’s eyes are too far apart, and Tyra Banks & Rihanna are both fellow members of the fivehead club. Ugly? Far from it. It’s actually these characteristics that make you interesting and beautiful in your own way. Try and “fix” these things so you can be “perfect”, and you will end up looking like Lil Kim, Heidi Montag or basically all of the Real Housewives. Which would you prefer?

Wouldn’t it be great if we stopped being so hard on ourselves and started embracing the fug? I know it’s easier said than done, and I certainly don’t profess to love all of my flaws, but my resolution for 2014 is to stop being so damn hard on myself. I have a wonderful man, the most incredible group of girlfriends and supportive family who love me just as I am, and couldn’t give two shits whether I looked like the elephant man, because I’d damn sure be the same girl I am underneath it all. I could almost guarantee that if you asked any of them, they would hardly even notice the fivehead.
Whether you have small boobs, a massive nose, a lazy eye, WHATEVER! Give yourself a break. Just try it! I promise you that the people around you are in your life because of the person you are on the inside, not because of the size of your ass. If you have no people in your life, then you’re probably an asshole. Just sayin.
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