I recently had breakfast with an old work friend, who is about to move to the other side of the world (literally) to give love a chance. Talk about brave! I really admire people who have the balls to throw caution into the wind and put themselves out there. She asked me if I had some advice about moving in with a guy for the first time, and as a self-proclaimed girl who falls head over heels in love hard and fast, I have lived with my fair share of serious boyfriends and would consider myself “well practiced” on the topic.
In my gorgeous group of girlfriends, aka “the Clams” there are a few who are married, a handful who are engaged, some who like me are loved up and some who are single (but have lived with past boyfriends), so it was a no-brainer to ask the clams for their advice. To protect their identities, I won’t reveal who said what, but if you know the clams, some of these will be glaringly obvious. Just a word of warning, this advice is raw and uncensored….